(SNews) – Tim Ballard, the hero whose story inspired “Sound of Freedom,” has slammed critics on the Left for trying to smear the anti-child trafficking movie.

The corporate media appears to have launched a coordinated attack against the hit film starring Jim Caviezel.

Ballard is portrayed by Caviezel in the movie as a former government agent who left his job to save one girl from sex traffickers in Colombia.

However, he ended up saving scores more children.

Despite the movie shining a light on the horrors of the international sex-trafficking industry, the media has been attacking the film by falsely claiming it’s based on conspiracy theories associated with QAnon.

Linking things to QAnon has become standard practice for the liberal establishment media to discredit information that goes against its preferred narrative.

On Monday, Ballard told Fox News that there is no justification to spread false claims about the film.

“I can’t explain, and neither can they,” Ballard said.

“Every show I’ve seen, they just like to throw the word out, ‘QAnon.’

“They make zero connection to the actual story.

“It’s very difficult to make that connection when it’s actually based on a true story.”


Ballard asked, “Where is the QAnon doctrine being spewed in the film and the script?”

He argues that he would know best because he was there for these events which can be confirmed by others.

“This is just some other agenda … who would want to get the backs or run interference for pedophiles and human traffickers?

“That’s the more important question in all this.

“Why would you want to lie to push an agenda whose goal is to have children be in captivity?

“It’s kind of sick,” he said.

Several Left-leaning news outlets have published hit pieces that made the QAnon association, including The Washington Post, George Soros’ Media Matters, Rolling Stone, and The Guardian.

Ballard was asked to react specifically to a critique by author Mike Rothschild.

During an appearance on CNN, Rothschild said that the film “is looking at QAnon concepts of these child trafficking rings that are run by the high-level elites.”

He added that people like Ballard and those who buy tickets to see the movie feel they are the only ones who can stop it.


“As that guy is talking — and he’s nobody’s hero by the way — I can’t imagine any kid looking at him thinking he’s going to help them out,” Ballard said.

“But I think of the children that are really depicted in that film.

“I know what happened to them.

“Those children were the subjects of child rape videos.

“Those children were being sold for sex.”

Ballard, who noted that more than 100 individuals wound up being rescued, added that it is “embarrassing and frankly, grotesque for this guy who knows nothing to start throwing out terms like QAnon and connecting it to a real story.”

The smear campaign by the corporate media certainly raises questions as to why the Left is so desperate to shut down a film that exposes the child sex trafficking industry.
