Tucker Carlson, an independent journalist, has expressed concerns about the World Economic Forum (WEF) members, describing them as “very dangerous” because they “think they are God.”

During his speech at the World Governments Summit (WGS) in Dubai, Carlson criticized the globalist elites without directly mentioning their names. He referred to the remarks made by Klaus Schwab, the founder and chairman of the WEF, during the same event.

As previously reported by Slay News, Schwab discussed the WEF’s plans for “humanocracy” at the WGS. He outlined a worrisome vision of merging human beings with artificial intelligence (AI) technology, which he believes will shape a “new world” and propel humanity into a new era.

According to Schwab, the WEF’s vision for this “new world” entails integrating our physical, digital, and biological aspects. Once this global initiative is implemented, it will pave the way for a new era characterized by “humanocracy.”

Carlson strongly criticized the transhumanist agenda of the WEF.

Tucker, referring to Schwab’s remarks, vehemently criticized individuals who hold the belief that they possess god-like powers and can enhance humanity through technology.

During a conversation at the summit, where Carlson discussed his widely-viewed interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin, the former Fox News anchor emphasized the importance of humility as a characteristic of wisdom.

He cautioned against the dangers posed by transhumanists like Schwab and his WEF associates, who arrogantly perceive themselves as divine beings and pose a significant threat that could result in the loss of many lives.

“Wisdom grows from the recognition that you are not God,” he said.

“And in the United States, we had a period where we were sort of having this debate about, are some religions good and some religions bad.”

“I’ll tell you my view on it, and it’s a hardened view. It’s a sincere view,” Carlson added.

“I divide the world not between Muslim, Jew, Christian, or Buddhist.

“I divide the world between people who believe they’re God and people who know they’re not,” Carlson continued to applause from the crowd.

Watch Tucker’s remarks below: