Goldberg and ex-White House communications director Kate Bedingfield engaged in a heated debate on CNN regarding President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign. Goldberg accused Biden’s supporters of engaging in “gaslighting on a Trumpian level” by portraying him as an enemy of the elites, while more and more Democrats are urging him to step down from the 2024 presidential race. Bedingfield and the rest of the panel countered by arguing that the elites had initially doubted Biden’s ability to secure the nomination in 2020, prompting Goldberg to challenge their stance.

“I don’t think he’s up to the job,” Goldberg said. “I am questioning his fitness right now to serve as president. Flat out.”

“You’re saying barely, barely president, and you’re suggesting that he’s not capable of doing the things we’ve seen him accomplish in these last four years,” she said.

“The last four years have meant nothing to me, nothing. And I think that’s a crazy argument,” Goldberg said.


He mentioned that Biden has failed to instill confidence in the country regarding his ability to serve a second term, all the while condemning him for stating to ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos that he “gave it [his] best shot” in the event of losing to former President Donald Trump.

“That is a terrible answer,” Goldberg said regarding the matter. “He was clearly prepped, and he still gave a terrible answer.”

“Saying the last three years mean nothing to you when you have a president who has gotten more done in a bipartisan way than anybody thought was possible, has gotten meaningful gun legislation done, has gotten the infrastructure bill done —” Bedingfield said.

“If he had a heart attack, you wouldn’t say ‘well, look at what he did the last three-and-a-half years,” Goldberg interjected, leading Bedingfield to argue voters take value in the said accomplishments of the president’s first term.

“You honestly think he can serve four-and-a-half more years?” Goldberg asked.

“I do,” Bedingfield replied.

“I think that’s lunatic, I really do,” Goldberg said. “I think it’s lunatic you think he can actually serve for four-and-a-half more years.”