Fox contributor Mary Katharine Ham challenged senior political analyst Juan Williams on Sunday after he asserted that the data indicates the “economy is better now” under the Biden-Harris administration in comparison to that of former President Donald Trump.

Last week, economists at Goldman Sachs issued a report suggesting that the economy under Vice President Kamala Harris could provide a “very slight boost” to GDP investment, whereas Trump’s policies might adversely affect growth due to “tariffs and tighter immigration policy.” During “Sunday Report,” Williams defended Goldman Sachs’ analysis of the two administrations, but Ham interjected, emphasizing that their focus did not address the concerns of everyday Americans shopping at the grocery store.

“The reality is, if you look at the numbers, the economy is better now than it was then. So you’re dealing with this kind of memory sense of things,” Williams said. “But the context is Goldman Sachs, they’re no left-wing organization. They’re saying the economy will be better under Kamala Harris — ” Williams said.

“They’re also not mom buying groceries though,” Ham jumped in.

Williams subsequently criticized Trump’s address to the New York Economic Club, asserting that he had squandered an opportunity that should have been a resounding success.

“I think this week there was 88 top executive who came out and said, ‘We think the economy will spur, will boost under Kamala Harris,’” Williams continued. “And this week Trump went before the New York economic club to give a speech and it should have been — given the perception he want to say the economy was better — it should’ve been a knockout for him in front of all those rich men. Instead, he delivered word salad on a question about child care.”
