Several individuals who participated in former President Donald Trump’s rally in Tucson, Arizona, on September 12 have reported experiencing an unexplained eye condition in the days following the event.

According to Newsweek, after the rally, which attracted over 2,000 attendees, multiple individuals sought treatment at local emergency rooms. The Trump campaign has indicated that it is investigating the situation. The Secret Service informed News 4 Tucson that it did not observe any unusual occurrences at the rally and was not aware of any specific threats to Trump in Arizona.

The rally featured 48 special guests who stood alongside Trump, arranged in two groups—one on the right side of the stage and the other on the left. While the group on the left reported no problems, several attendees from the right side experienced significant eye pain after leaving the rally, as reported by News 4 Tucson.

Mayra Rodriguez, a former director of Planned Parenthood who now supports Trump, shared with News 4 Tucson that she experienced burning sensations in her eyes and impaired vision during the rally. She subsequently visited the emergency room, where medical staff questioned whether she had been exposed to any substances.

Rodriguez reported, “I can’t see anything. When I try to open my eyes, it’s like a white cloud of cover. It hurts,” she said.

Another woman suffering from the same symptoms said “This is horrible.”

One man told reporters, “My eyes were red like hell; it was terrible; I just couldn’t handle it.”

Kathleen Winn, a previous candidate for Congress representing Arizona’s Congressional District 6, provided an interview to News 4 Tucson following the event. She expressed to the outlet, “We hope there are no malicious individuals involved in this situation and that it is not a calculated attack.”