The NFL asserts that it has undertaken a “nonpartisan” initiative to encourage voter participation for the 2024 election; however, an examination of its partner organizations indicates that it has exclusively collaborated with groups that advocate for left-leaning candidates and issues.

On its NFL Votes webpage, it explains itself as a “league-wide, nonpartisan initiative that supports and encourages civic engagement among NFL players, and legends, club and league personnel, and fans.” The campaign, co-sponsored with the left-wing NFL Players Association, “focuses on three key components of the electoral process: voter education, voter registration, and voter activation,” the league adds.

However, as highlighted by The Federalist, the NFL’s Get Out The Vote (GOTV) partners comprise some of the most prominent left-leaning activist organizations currently active. While this may initially appear commendable, a closer examination of the partners reveals that the league collaborates with I Am a Voter, Rock the Vote, Rise to Vote, Vet the Vote, and Votolatino. Although these organizations present themselves as “nonpartisan,” they have a well-documented history of predominantly supporting left-wing candidates and initiatives, and are largely staffed, led, and founded by individuals with leftist affiliations.

Among these, Rock the Vote stands out as the oldest, having been established in 1990, and has been a significant advocate for Barack Obama and his initiatives, particularly the Affordable Care Act. Its leadership is predominantly composed of former Obama staffers, Democratic donors, and individuals aligned with leftist ideologies.

Additionally, the Voto Latino Action Fund, founded in 2013, has strong ties to leftist figures, including Democratic Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from New York. Furthermore, Julian Castro, who served as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development during the Obama administration, is identified as a senior adviser to this organization.

I Am A Voter represents another left-leaning organization, prominently featuring Hollywood figures such as the outspoken actress Debra Messing. She co-founded this group alongside Mandana Dayani, a notable figure in the fashion industry who also aligns with leftist ideologies. It is important to note that I Am A Voter has consistently refrained from endorsing any moderate or conservative Republican candidates.

Additionally, the NFL has collaborated with Rise to Vote, an organization that has generated substantial revenue by positioning itself as a primary voter registration entity within the professional sports community in the United States. The board of this organization includes several prominent left-leaning individuals, such as NBA Commissioner Adam Silver, activist Gabrielle Raymond McGee, Maverick Carter, a business associate of LeBron James, Michigan’s Democratic Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, who has been associated with the Black Lives Matter movement, among others.

It is noteworthy that none of these organizations feature conservative or Republican members on their boards, nor have they supported Republican or conservative initiatives or candidates. Despite this, the NFL continues to label this initiative and its partners as “nonpartisan.”