Special Counsel Jack Smith has alluded to the possibility of conducting another search at President Donald Trump’s residence in Florida.

Smith has disclosed information suggesting that the FBI overlooked alleged “hidden rooms” during their previous raid at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate. According to a leak provided to ABC News, Smith’s team of prosecutors has been interrogating witnesses regarding the existence of “hidden rooms” and a “locked closet” within Trump’s residence.

During the FBI’s raid of Mar-a-Lago in August 2022, no hidden rooms or locked closets were searched by federal agents. Sources have informed ABC News that Trump had the lock on the closet changed while his lawyer was searching for classified documents in the basement storage area of Mar-a-Lago.

ABC News reported: “In addition to the closet, the FBI also didn’t search what authorities have called a ‘hidden room’ connected to Trump’s bedroom, sources said.”

The most recent disclosure suggested the potential occurrence of an additional “search” or raid on Trump’s property in Florida. The previous raid on Trump’s residence was strategically timed to garner attention leading up to the 2022 midterms.

A forthcoming raid would assist the mainstream media in “preserving democracy” by cautioning voters about the “menace of MAGA Republicans” prior to the 2024 election.

“It’s also unclear if Trump ever kept any classified documents in either of those spaces, or whether Smith’s team ever considered seeking another warrant to search Mar-a-Lago again,” ABC News said.

Smith is currently in the process of ascertaining whether there could potentially exist additional classified documents at Trump’s estate. The prosecutors from the special counsel have been interrogating witnesses regarding the aforementioned “missed spaces” in the months preceding Trump’s indictment in July 2023.

Nevertheless, with Trump’s consistent rise in popularity according to the polls, Smith now deems it opportune to delve into these alleged “missed spaces.”

ABC News further reported:

“Special counsel Jack Smith’s team has questioned several witnesses about a closet and a so-called “hidden room” inside former President Donald Trump’s residence at Mar-a-Lago that the FBI didn’t check while searching the estate in August 2022, sources familiar with the matter told ABC News.

“As described to ABC News, the line of questioning in several interviews ahead of Trump’s indictment last year on classified document charges suggests that — long after the FBI seized dozens of boxes and more than 100 documents marked classified from Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate — Smith’s team was trying to determine if there might still be more classified documents there.

“According to sources, some investigators involved in the case came to later believe that the closet, which was locked on the day of the search, should have been opened and checked.

“As investigators would later learn, Trump allegedly had the closet’s lock changed while his attorney was in Mar-a-Lago’s basement, searching for classified documents in a storage room that he was told would have all such documents.

Trump’s alleged efforts to conceal classified documents from both the FBI and his own attorney are a key part of Smith’s indictment against Trump in Florida.”