Reed Hastings, a prominent Democratic donor and co-founder of Netflix, has urged President Joe Biden to consider stepping down following his lackluster performance in the recent presidential debate. Hastings, known for his support of Democratic figures like Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA), expressed to the New York Times that Biden should make way for a more energetic candidate who can effectively challenge Trump.

“Biden needs to step aside to allow a vigorous Democratic leader to beat Trump and keep us safe and prosperous,” Hastings told the outlet.

Following Biden’s underwhelming debate performance, numerous Democrat officials, donors, voters, and members of the media were thrown into a state of panic, questioning his ability to serve another term as president. Hastings’ remarks coincide with several prominent Hollywood donors issuing ultimatums demanding Biden to “drop out” or risk losing their support for the Democrat Party. Several additional Hollywood donors have also announced a pause in their donations, citing feeling offended by the Biden campaign’s assertion that the president emerged victorious in the debate.

Hastings, along with his wife, philanthropist Patty Quillin, have been key contributors to the Democrat Party. The couple generously donated $1 million to the super PAC, Future Forward, which is spearheaded by Chauncey McLean, a former Democrat Party operative, and has allocated millions towards anti-Trump advertisements. Reportedly, the couple has contributed “in excess of $20 million” to the Democrat Party in recent years.

According to the outlet:

“Mr. Hastings and his wife, Patty Quillin, during the Trump era joined the Democratic Party’s most generous donor couples. Together they have given more than $20 million to support the party over the last few years, including as much as $1.5 million to back Mr. Biden during the 2020 presidential race, and $100,000 last summer to support Mr. Biden in 2024. Most of their donations have gone to super PACs meant to help House and Senate Democrats.”