An explosive new investigative report alleges that the FBI not only had knowledge of potentially questionable foreign business dealings involving Joe and Hunter Biden prior to the 2020 election but also verified the authenticity of the infamous Hunter Biden laptop.

According to journalist Paul Sperry, writing for the New York Post, shortly after the publication’s groundbreaking 2020 story that initially revealed damning details from the laptop, “the FBI received a flash drive containing emails and text messages from the cellphones of one of Hunter’s business partners, confirming the contents of Hunter’s computer were real and not ‘disinformation,’ as the FBI had indicated to social media and the public.”

Sperry goes on to explain that on October 23, 2020, forensic experts from the FBI’s Computer Analysis and Response Team (CART) took possession of the flash drive. This drive contained emails and texts from an iPhone and two Blackberry phones, used by Hunter’s former business associate Tony Bobulinski to communicate with the president’s son regarding a lucrative business venture with Chinese individuals.

The information stored on the flash drive encompassed a period from early 2015 to late 2017, as detailed in an FBI report known as an FD-302, which provided a summary of an interview with Bobulinski.

“BOBULINSKI was aware that the emails published by the New York Post were legitimate because BOBULINSKI was copied on them and had records of the emails on his own cellular devices,” FBI agents noted in their 13-page report.

Sperry highlights that, by that point, social media giants such as Facebook and Twitter had censored the New York Post’s story, partly based on the FBI’s ‘warning,’ while 51 current and former intelligence officials signed a letter suggesting that the laptop’s contents were “Russian disinformation.”

Sperry added:

The FBI report was buried in a 700-page document dump earlier this month by the House Ways and Means Committee, which received the records from two IRS investigators who blew the whistle on roadblocks the Justice Department threw up in their years-long probe of Hunter Biden.

The names of the FBI agents, both working out of the Washington field office, are redacted in the report. The agents handed Bobulinski’s attorney an “FD-597 Receipt for Property” for the flash drive.

While Bobulinski has briefed the media on what he told the FBI, this appears to be the first look at what the FBI documented about the nearly six-hour interview.

Sperry asserts that the FBI’s FD-302 summary indicates their awareness at the time that Hunter’s laptop and The New York Post’s story were authentic and not connected to any sinister Russian scheme to disseminate misinformation before the 2020 election.

Despite this knowledge, the bureau collaborated with the U.S. intelligence community to promote false assertions to social media and other news organizations, resulting in censorship and the actual spread of misinformation.

“The FBI’s suppression campaign ran coast-to-coast, reportedly led by anti-Trump honchos Timothy Thibault in D.C. and Elvis Chan in San Francisco,” Sperry wrote. “In effect, the FBI slapped a warning label on derogatory information on the Bidens that was not only easily verifiable — but actually verified.”

During that period, President Donald Trump’s legal team, which included his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, expressed their belief that the information seemed authentic. Giuliani reportedly provided a copy of the laptop’s hard drive, which he obtained from a computer repairman in Delaware, to The New York Post.

Furthermore, the FD-302 revealed that contrary to his frequent claims that he never discussed business matters with his son, Joe Biden indeed had personal discussions with Bobulinski about a joint venture involving Hunter and a Chinese firm named Sinohawk. These conversations took place on at least two occasions: May 2, 2017, in Beverly Hills, and May 3, 2017, in Los Angeles.

The report noted that Joe Biden was to be cut in on the profits: “An additional 10% was to be held by HUNTER BIDEN for the ‘big guy,’ which was a reference to JOSEPH BIDEN.”

Sperry concluded:

So the FBI had obtained key China-related contents found on Hunter Biden’s laptop more than two years before it took possession of the laptop, as part of a national security investigation. But it shoved it all down a black hole.

Investigators never brought Bobulinski, a potentially star witness, back in for another interview and never put him before the Hunter Biden grand jury. Why?