Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) Went nuclear on certain Democratic colleagues amid speculation about replacing President Joe Biden, stating that there is no assurance that Democrats will unite in support of Vice President Kamala Harris and outlining the significant obstacles she sees in that process.

“I want to talk to you all about all of this craziness that you see in the media about Joe Biden, and I’m just ripping the band aid off because I think that it’s really important that people get the straight truth,” she said during a live chat, discussing her thoughts on the chatter to replace Biden.

“And I feel like there has been a lot of smokescreens that have been going on about this and that people have not been getting told the full story here, and I want to put all my cards out on the table, because I don’t know what’s going to happen. I’m telling you that as who I am. I don’t have any I do not have a crystal ball. I don’t know what’s going on, but I believe that you all deserve to know what I see in this moment, as I see it. And I’m gonna take you through my thinking, and if you disagree with it, and if you think it’s terrible, and if you think I’m wrong, that’s fine, but I at least want you to know what I see, and we can all come to our own conclusions,” she said, starting off by admitting that the debate “sucked.” However, she softened the blow for Biden by stating that it “sucked for everybody,” asserting that it was not just President Joe Biden who did not do well.

AOC labeled former President Donald Trump as a “neo-Nazi” and “racist,” just days after he narrowly escaped an assassination attempt. Furthermore, she asserted that “everyone is afraid of a Trump presidency,” causing some to reconsider their support for Biden.

Ocasio-Cortez addressed the difficulties of abandoning Biden, but she criticized her fellow lawmakers who are anonymously expressing doubts, while also clarifying that she is not there to “attack” those who hold different opinions.

“What I see right now, and I want you all to know, is that over the last several weeks, there have been lots of Democrats who have been giving little anonymous quotes to the press, to some journalists, to print, and I’m not here to knock the press on it. I’m here to knock my colleagues on it,” she said, deeming it “bullshit.”

“I’m not coming for the people who have made a public statement and put their name on it. Like, Lord knows, I’ve done plenty of that myself. I’m talking about people who are too scared to say what they want to say in public, but somehow not afraid to say what they want to say to a journalist so long as they promise not to use their name. That’s a bunch of horseshit!” she continued.

“If you think that there is consensus among the people who want Joe Biden to leave that Kamala, that they will support Kamala, Vice President Harris, you would be mistaken,” the far-left congresswoman said.

“A lot of them are not just interested in removing the president. They are interested in removing the whole ticket,” she said, explaining that a “huge amount of the donor class, and a huge amount of these elites, and a huge amount of these folks in these rooms that I see that are pushing for President Biden to not be the nominee, also are not interested in seeing the vice president being the nominee.”

“Will they win out on that? I don’t know. But I am here to tell you, do not take that for granted,” she added, warning of the legal challenges that will come from that and ultimately stating that the decisions to remove Biden cannot be “made by groupthink, momentum, inertia.”

“We really need to consider the consequences. And if the data, the logistics, what have you, supports another path? Go ahead, like make that,” she said.

“But this idea that we’re just going to talk about what theoretically is best. … This is not 2023. And so, you know, folks are saying the- and also, folks are saying polling only has momentum. Maybe that might be true, have we thought about what is leading to that? Because I think hundreds of millions of dollars in earned media from people, like members of Congress saying things off the record, like I just. And again, I could be wrong. I could be wrong. I’m not here to tell you his is what it is,” she said, adding, “But what I, what I am here to tell you is some of the red alerts that I’m seeing on the dashboard in terms of things, concerns that I have not seen adequately addressed.”
