Evidently, the situation behind the scenes regarding the border fiasco is even more dire, if that is even conceivable. As per a comprehensive new report titled “How Biden mishandled the border” by Axios, the president’s fits of anger have greatly hindered his administration’s ability to tackle the crisis.

Reportedly, one of his most severe outbursts occurred during a meeting aboard Air Force One in January 2023, while Biden was en route to visit the border. According to undisclosed sources cited by Axios, Biden demanded “obscure immigration data points” and became furious with his staff when they were unable to promptly provide them.

“People in the meeting later told others in frustration that his winding process and irritability were making it more difficult to reach decisions about the border,” Axios reported.

The administration has been handling the border crisis with a sense of avoidance, passing it around like a hot potato. According to a former official, there are clear incentives for not taking ownership of this daunting issue without any solutions. The person briefing the president gets the unenviable task of frustrating him on a daily basis.

Despite being appointed as the “border czar” by President Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris has made no progress in resolving these problems. Instead, she has become entangled in conflicts with domestic policy advisor Susan Rice. Axios reports that Rice blames Harris for sabotaging her own ambitions for the vice presidency.

A former senior official has strongly criticized Harris’ performance, describing it as ineffective at best and sporadically engaged at worst. It is clear that she failed to recognize her responsibility in addressing the crisis. This was a missed opportunity for her, and she did not step up to the challenge. In addition to her clashes with Harris, Rice has also turned against Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra. She has referred to him using derogatory language, calling him a derogatory term and an idiot.

“During one meeting when Biden was tearing into Becerra, Rice passed [Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro] Mayorkas a note that read: ‘Don’t save him,’” Axios reported.

In the midst of all this, Liz Sherwood-Randall, the homeland security advisor, found herself in a precarious position. Despite her lack of expertise in border matters, she was entrusted with many of the responsibilities by Jake Sullivan, the national security advisor.

As highlighted in Axios’ comprehensive report, the Biden administration lacked a concrete plan for addressing the border situation. There was a lack of consensus on policies and strategies, and instead of working together to find a solution, there was a preoccupation with petty conflicts and shifting blame. The situation resembled a high school environment, but the consequences were far more serious as our national security was at risk.

It is evident that Biden’s administration is struggling to maintain control, and the January 2023 meeting serves as a testament to this. Not only is his age impacting his memory, but it is also affecting his ability to manage his temper.