Mark Zwonitzer, the writer behind Democrat President Joe Biden, has confessed to the deliberate deletion of audio files in order to prevent special counsel investigators from accessing the recordings. Last year, Zwonitzer admitted to the FBI that he had erased multiple audio files containing interviews with Biden.

Recently unsealed transcripts reveal that Zwonitzer took this action under the influence of the special counsel investigation, with the intention of safeguarding Biden. As Zwonitzer became aware of the investigation, he contemplated the sessions he had with Biden, during which classified documents were shared. Fearing potential consequences for Biden, Zwonitzer made the decision to delete the recordings upon learning about the special counsel investigation.

These recordings were created while Zwonitzer assisted Biden in writing his memoir, titled “Promise Me, Dad.” Special Counsel Robert Hur contemplated pressing criminal charges against Zwonitzer for his deletion of the recordings, recognizing their significant evidentiary value. However, in the end, the special counsel chose not to pursue charges against him.

Despite Zwonitzer’s acknowledgment that part of his motivation for deleting the recordings was to eliminate potential evidence against Biden, it should be noted that he was fully aware of the special counsel investigation at the time of these deletions.

He then fully admitted that the investigation influenced him:

“I’m not going to say how much of the percentage it was of my motivation.”

Zwonitzer’s cooperation with the investigation was acknowledged by Hur, who stated that he had provided any remaining audio recordings. Nevertheless, it was unfortunate that the crucial evidence had been misplaced.

“Zwonitzer willingly provided significant cooperation to the investigation without seeking or receiving any protections or assurances,” Hur said.

“He was forthright in describing his conduct and working with investigators to obtain all relevant evidence in his possession.”

In truth, Hur and Zwonitzer are merely two individuals among many who have chosen not to pursue any repercussions for the clearly erroneous actions of the Democratic president, Biden. He bears equal responsibility for mishandling classified documents and concealing their existence, just like the accusations against President Donald Trump. However, Biden remains uncharged due to his advanced age and cognitive decline.