CNN has finalized the regulations for the upcoming 2024 presidential debate between Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, and President Joe Biden. This 90-minute debate will be hosted by CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash in Atlanta. It is worth noting that this debate will have several unprecedented restrictions for the presidential candidates. These restrictions include muting microphones and not allowing a live studio audience.

CNN has made it clear that these measures are in place two weeks prior to the highly anticipated face-off. Additionally, the network has announced that there will be two commercial breaks during the debate, during which campaign staff will not be allowed to interact with the candidates.

Furthermore, participants are prohibited from using cheat sheets, which may pose a challenge for Biden, who has been previously seen using prepared notecards to answer pre-screened questions. On the other hand, Trump is known for his ability to speak without relying on a teleprompter, which sets him apart.

The network has announced that Trump and Biden will not be sitting at a table as previously reported, but will instead appear at individual podiums. A coin toss will determine the podium for each candidate, and they will each receive a pen, a pad of paper, and a bottle of water. No other props will be allowed on stage. Microphones will be muted to allow candidates to speak one at a time, and it is unclear if Tapper and Bash will be responsible for this. The moderators are expected to enforce timing and ensure a civil discussion using all available tools. This rule comes after the chaotic 2020 presidential debates where Trump and Biden famously talked over each other.