A significant number of Americans express uncertainty regarding the policies of Vice President Kamala Harris; however, it is even more concerning that many members of her own staff share this lack of clarity. According to a report by Breitbart News, since her nomination as the Democratic candidate for president, the vice president has altered her stance on several issues she previously supported.

“Banning plastic straws (Flip-flopped), A mandate for only producing electric and hydrogen vehicles by 2035 (Unknown), Banning fracking (Flip-flopped), Gun confiscation through a buyback program (Allegedly no longer supports via anonymous campaign spokesperson), Decriminalizing illegally crossing the southern border (Allegedly no longer supports via anonymous campaign spokesperson), Reparations (Unknown), Building a border wall (Allegedly no longer supports via anonymous campaign spokesperson), A federal jobs guarantee (Allegedly no longer supports via anonymous campaign spokesperson), Medicare for All (Flip-flopped),” the report said.

“Harris and her campaign haven’t provided many details explaining her policy shifts,” Axios said in a report on Friday. “[E]ven some of her own staffers aren’t sure where she stands on a range of issues.”

The news organization reported that it sought clarification on her policies from her campaign aides for six consecutive days, ultimately receiving a response of “no comment.” This week, former President Donald Trump’s economic policies received high praise from a significant group.

On Thursday, the former president addressed The Economic Club of New York, where Fox News reporter Charlie Gasparino noted that he outlined specifics of his plan, in contrast to the vice president, leading some to question her understanding of the matter.

“I will tell you this, he laid out not just a detailed explanation of what he wants to do on taxes, regulation, fracking, the migrant issue. I mean, he proposed, made proposals. He laid out in a much more articulate way than even Kamala Harris has, her, her plans, or at least what plans have been leaked,” Gasparino said to Fox News host Sandra Smith.

“It was remarkable in detail and its substance. And it’s, what I found fascinating about it is how the Republican candidate knows more or talks more about the Democratic policies. Obviously, it’s with his spin. He thinks it’s really bad and he explained why it’s really bad. You know, how fracking, if you end fracking, what’s, what that’s going to do to the Pennsylvania economy. If you raise the corporate income tax, how, you know, money companies are going to sit domicile overseas,” the reporter said.

“You know, how, you know, the need for tariffs, you know, that was what, that was one of the tougher sell, sell points here, because this is a free market crowd, but I think they bought it. He’s, he did that very well on his own, but then he went after her plan. And I’ll tell you, if I’m going to, you know, game plan the, you know, the debate on Tuesday, it’s going to be heavy on the stuff that he spoke about today,” Gasparino added.

“So get the transcript. It’s going to be taxes, regulations, here’s what I’m going to do, what are you going to do? Explain. He’s going to try to, I guarantee he tries to flip the switch and try to get her to explain exactly what she wants to do, which she hasn’t yet,” the reporter said.

“I mean, nobody has forced her to join that CNN interview. And, you know, Dana Bash is a very accomplished journalist. I like her, been following for years, but I mean, you know, on the economic stuff, you really have to, like, she should have, like, pressed her on exactly what she means, aside from some of the money that she just wants to throw at people,” he said.