Monday, March 10, 2025

VIDEO: Anti-Israel Leftist Thugs Desecrate Flag

Protesters, opposed to Israel, showed disrespect for an American flag in the vicinity of Harvard University. Journalist Kassy Dillon recorded this incident for Fox News.

These individuals, who expressed support for Hamas, referred to the United States as “Legit Gangsters” and disrespected the American flag by standing upon it.

“At a demonstration at Cambridge City Hall, two protestors were seen standing on the U.S. flag, with one of them appearing to stomp on it, according to video footage,” Dillon reported.

“The U.S. and Israel are terrorists,” one person said.

“Animals, animals, you pigs, animals, Nazis, Nazis, Nazis,” a man wearing Palestinian colors shouted at pro-Israel counter protesters.

The pro-Israel crowd was literally called Nazis.

WATCH: New Video Reveals SHOCKING Biden Family Corruption

In case you didn’t think the Biden family was corrupt enough, Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow is dropping his book, “Breaking Biden” that exposes every dirty little secret you DIDN’T hear. Marlow emphasizes that Biden’s malfeasance isn’t some novel revelation; Joe has a history of breaking the rules since being sworn into Senate in the 1970s.

Top Comment:

“I have a pet rock that has more sense than Biden.”

BREAKING: Biden White House TURNS On Liberal “Squad” Members

(CBrief) – White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre strongly criticized members of the far-left “Squad” during Tuesday’s press briefing. She characterized their statements regarding the conflict between Israel and Hamas as “incorrect,” “offensive,” and “shameful.”

When questioned about the administration’s response to remarks made by Democratic Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Cori Bush, Jean-Pierre stated:

“I’ve seen some of those statements this weekend, and we’re going to continue to be very clear. We believe they’re wrong, we believe they’re repugnant, and we believe they’re disgraceful.”

“Our condemnation belongs squarely with terrorists who have brutally murdered, raped, and kidnapped hundreds, hundreds of Israelis. There can be no equivocation about that. There are not two sides here. There are not two sides,” KJP added.

When Israel and Hamas went to war over the weekend, Tlaib and Bush made statements that caused a lot of anger when they said that the U.S. should stop helping Israel.

Tlaib’s statement said: “I grieve the Palestinian and Israeli lives lost yesterday, today, and every day,” Tlaib’s statement read. “As long as our country provides billions in unconditional funding to support the apartheid government, this heartbreaking cycle of violence will continue.”

Bush’s statement said: “As part of achieving a just and lasting peace, we must do our part to stop this violence and trauma by ending U.S. government support for Israeli military occupation and apartheid.”

On the day of the attacks, which resulted in the deaths of hundreds of Israelis and many from other countries, including women, children, and babies, both Ocasio-Cortez and Omar called for a “ceasefire” between Israel and Hamas.

Omar also appeared to equate Israeli victims killed by Hamas terrorists this weekend and Palestinians killed in the ongoing Israeli response in a social media thread on Monday.

“Just as we honor the humanity of the hundreds of innocent Israeli civilians and 9 Americans who were killed this weekend, we must honor the humanity of the innocent Palestinian civilians who have been killed and whose lives are upended,” she wrote on X, going on to highlight the hardships of living in Gaza and accusing Israel of operating an “apartheid” state in an attempt to explain violence by Hamas.

“Palestinian residents of the West Bank have scarcely better lives than Gazans — with the routine destruction of their ancestral homes, destruction of their crops, and violent attacks by Israeli settlers,” Omar wrote.

“Palestinians have few recourses for justice and accountability. Attacks by the IDF and settlers against Palestinians are regularly met with impunity. Efforts to seek justice in international courts are stonewalled by the Israeli government, with U.S. support,” Omar added. “As the world is condemning Hamas’s attacks, we must also oppose an Israeli military response that has already taken the lives of hundreds of Palestinians, including nearly two dozen children.”

President Joe Biden was heavily criticized for a series of tweets over the weekend that critics deemed inappropriate as war raged in Israel following a surprise attack by the terrorist group Hamas.

On Sunday morning, for instance, Biden’s X account tweeted about his policy of providing “student debt relief” to some borrowers, which, in and of itself, is highly controversial, even without a new war brewing in the volatile Middle East.

“We’ve never walked away from that sense of possibility that drives this country. Delivering student debt relief to borrowers that need it is about extending the power of possibilities to every American. Not just those at the top,” his account posted.

The tone-deaf untimeliness of the tweet generated no shortage of criticism.

Kristopher J. Anderson of Turning Point Action responded, “Democrats funded the attacks on Israel.”

Another X user wrote: “The world is on fire, and this is what you tweet.. you are the most disgusting human being and president this country has ever had.”

“Americans were murdered and taken hostage in Israel because YOU gave Iran $6 billion dollars on the anniversary of 9/11, and you tweet this dumb shit?” another wrote.

“Israel is under attack and you are worried about shifting people’s education debt to taxpayers??? You are corrupt !!!!!!” said another.

OUTRAGE: Public School BANS Kids From Praying

Symmes Valley High School in Ohio had a longstanding tradition. Before each football game, fans were invited to stand for the national anthem and a prayer. However, this tradition was discontinued by the school district in response to a complaint filed by a parent to the Freedom From Religion Foundation.

The Wisconsin-based atheist organization asserted that it was illegal for anyone to publicly deliver a prayer at a football game.

“Asking all the people in attendance to stand for a prayer during a school-sponsored football game is a constitutional foul,” said FFRF’s Dan Barker. “Keeping the PA booth free from religious intrusion will keep the audience free from it, too.”

They referenced a case in which the Supreme Court had declared that prayers at public school athletic events were unconstitutional. However, in a recent ruling in the case of Kennedy v. Bremerton, the Supreme Court determined that a coach’s silent, private post-game prayer was constitutionally protected.

Rather than contesting the issue, the school district chose to comply and assured that nobody would invoke the name of Jesus Christ over the microphone.

In a letter responding to the concerned atheists, the school district stated, “Prior to the next home game, we will direct the PA announcer that he is to refrain from leading prayer henceforth and will also ask for his assistance in relaying that refrain to other adults that may be in the press box — I expect his full cooperation.”

This matter could potentially become a legal case, which is why I encourage my readers to support organizations such as Alliance Defending Freedom. If a coach is allowed to pray at the 50-yard-line, a parent should be permitted to deliver a prayer in the press box.

Watch: Liberals Are LOSING Their Mind Over This…

Things are just starting to heat up…

Top Comment:

“Giving the never Trumpers an alternative to Biden is worse for the democrats.”

VIDEO: Far-Left Mob Screams HORRIFYING Anti-Israel Chants

Hundreds of pro-Hamas protesters stormed the Sydney Opera House during an outrageous protest — lighting flairs and chanting “gas the Jews.” The anti-Semites also set fire to an Israeli flag. Social media footage showed up to 100 police standing on the steps of the fenced-off Opera House, as protesters, some in masks, chanted “f**k Israel” and “gas the Jews”, according to the Australian Jewish Association. They are calling on lawmakers to stop funding Palestinian causes. “The people who attended the pro-terror rally last night have no humanity. They are modern day Nazis,” they said in a statement.

WATCH: ICE Agent Lays Out BIG Plan To Save The Border

America’s border crisis continues to worsen under the Biden administration, but there are ways to make it better. Victor Avila is a former ICE special agent running for Congress. He has a plan for the southern border. Avila joins Mike Slater to share that plan and detail what really goes into protecting the border.

Top Comment:

“It’s getting out of control!”

BOMBSHELL: The Biggest Coverup In American Political HISTORY

An explosive new investigative report alleges that the FBI not only had knowledge of potentially questionable foreign business dealings involving Joe and Hunter Biden prior to the 2020 election but also verified the authenticity of the infamous Hunter Biden laptop.

According to journalist Paul Sperry, writing for the New York Post, shortly after the publication’s groundbreaking 2020 story that initially revealed damning details from the laptop, “the FBI received a flash drive containing emails and text messages from the cellphones of one of Hunter’s business partners, confirming the contents of Hunter’s computer were real and not ‘disinformation,’ as the FBI had indicated to social media and the public.”

Sperry goes on to explain that on October 23, 2020, forensic experts from the FBI’s Computer Analysis and Response Team (CART) took possession of the flash drive. This drive contained emails and texts from an iPhone and two Blackberry phones, used by Hunter’s former business associate Tony Bobulinski to communicate with the president’s son regarding a lucrative business venture with Chinese individuals.

The information stored on the flash drive encompassed a period from early 2015 to late 2017, as detailed in an FBI report known as an FD-302, which provided a summary of an interview with Bobulinski.

“BOBULINSKI was aware that the emails published by the New York Post were legitimate because BOBULINSKI was copied on them and had records of the emails on his own cellular devices,” FBI agents noted in their 13-page report.

Sperry highlights that, by that point, social media giants such as Facebook and Twitter had censored the New York Post’s story, partly based on the FBI’s ‘warning,’ while 51 current and former intelligence officials signed a letter suggesting that the laptop’s contents were “Russian disinformation.”

Sperry added:

The FBI report was buried in a 700-page document dump earlier this month by the House Ways and Means Committee, which received the records from two IRS investigators who blew the whistle on roadblocks the Justice Department threw up in their years-long probe of Hunter Biden.

The names of the FBI agents, both working out of the Washington field office, are redacted in the report. The agents handed Bobulinski’s attorney an “FD-597 Receipt for Property” for the flash drive.

While Bobulinski has briefed the media on what he told the FBI, this appears to be the first look at what the FBI documented about the nearly six-hour interview.

Sperry asserts that the FBI’s FD-302 summary indicates their awareness at the time that Hunter’s laptop and The New York Post’s story were authentic and not connected to any sinister Russian scheme to disseminate misinformation before the 2020 election.

Despite this knowledge, the bureau collaborated with the U.S. intelligence community to promote false assertions to social media and other news organizations, resulting in censorship and the actual spread of misinformation.

“The FBI’s suppression campaign ran coast-to-coast, reportedly led by anti-Trump honchos Timothy Thibault in D.C. and Elvis Chan in San Francisco,” Sperry wrote. “In effect, the FBI slapped a warning label on derogatory information on the Bidens that was not only easily verifiable — but actually verified.”

During that period, President Donald Trump’s legal team, which included his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, expressed their belief that the information seemed authentic. Giuliani reportedly provided a copy of the laptop’s hard drive, which he obtained from a computer repairman in Delaware, to The New York Post.

Furthermore, the FD-302 revealed that contrary to his frequent claims that he never discussed business matters with his son, Joe Biden indeed had personal discussions with Bobulinski about a joint venture involving Hunter and a Chinese firm named Sinohawk. These conversations took place on at least two occasions: May 2, 2017, in Beverly Hills, and May 3, 2017, in Los Angeles.

The report noted that Joe Biden was to be cut in on the profits: “An additional 10% was to be held by HUNTER BIDEN for the ‘big guy,’ which was a reference to JOSEPH BIDEN.”

Sperry concluded:

So the FBI had obtained key China-related contents found on Hunter Biden’s laptop more than two years before it took possession of the laptop, as part of a national security investigation. But it shoved it all down a black hole.

Investigators never brought Bobulinski, a potentially star witness, back in for another interview and never put him before the Hunter Biden grand jury. Why?

ALERT: Shocking Discovery At Southern Border

America’s open southern border is really bad and citizens all across the country are paying for it.

Top Comment:

“This never would have happened if Trump was still President”

Hunter’s Awful Actions Made Public

It’s evident that Hunter Biden is unlikely to be considered for any “father of the year” awards, especially in light of a recent report from the UK’s Daily Mail. According to the outlet, Hunter withdrew his daughter’s college savings to support an extended period of excessive drug and escort spending. Furthermore, he has yet to fulfill his tax obligations on these funds, as exclusive documents obtained by the news site have shown.

“The First Son’s profligacy was cast in sharp relief in papers from an IRS whistleblower who investigated him for tax crimes, released by Congress last month,” the outlet’s report continued.

Based on his memoir, in late 2018, Hunter was deep into his struggle with addiction. During that period, he was engaging in risky behavior in Connecticut hotels, spending large sums of money on cocaine, and associating with escorts.

The outlet noted further:

His private bankers at Wells Fargo sent him an email on December 17, 2018 warning that he had just 44 cents left in his account, according to records obtained by from his abandoned laptop.

Hunter responded with a jumbled reply, ordering them to transfer $20,000 from his daughter Maisy’s educational savings account.

He told the wealth managers: ‘liquidate what you can’ and ‘Live [love] you both.’

Around the same time, Maisy, who is currently 22 years old, was in her last year of high school. She, along with her two older sisters, and Joe and Jill Biden, had tried to organize an intervention a few weeks prior at their Delaware residence to encourage their son to seek rehabilitation, as reported by the Daily Mail.