Barack Obama came to President Joe Biden’s aid on Friday after a disappointing debate, which caused concern among many Democrats. The former president stated that “everyone has bad debate nights.”

“Bad debate nights happen. Trust me, I know,” Obama said in a statement.

“But this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone who only cares about himself,” Obama claimed.

“Between someone who tells the truth; who knows right from wrong and will give it to the American people straight — and someone who lies through his teeth for his own benefit,” Obama said, concluding that “Last night didn’t change that, and it’s why so much is at stake in November.”

Obama’s call for Americans to focus on factors other than Biden’s debate showing comes in the wake of extensive concern among Democrats following Biden’s debate performance. During the debate, the 81-year-old appeared confused at times, experienced freezes, and tried to revive Democrat talking points such as the “very fine people” hoax and the “suckers and losers” fabrication. In addition, he repeated the phrase “the idea” a total of 27 times. Obama’s remarks were made subsequent to his notable act of guiding Biden off the stage at a high-profile fundraiser in June.