Shortly after the Supreme Court’s decision on presidential immunity, there have been calls from the Left for President Biden to authorize the assassination of President Trump. The 6-3 ruling by the Supreme Court affirmed that a president does have significant immunity for official acts while in office, dealing a major setback to Special Counsel Jack Smith’s case against President Trump.

The majority opinion emphasized that the president is not exempt from the law, but also stated that Congress cannot make the president’s conduct in carrying out Executive Branch responsibilities a criminal offense under the Constitution. Justice Clarence Thomas strongly criticized the special counsel, raising concerns about whether the Attorney General has violated the Constitution’s structure by establishing an office of the Special Counsel without legal authorization.

Thomas said in effect the attorney general “purported to appoint a private citizen as Special Counsel to prosecute a former President on behalf of the United States.”

In the dissenting opinions, Justices Sotomayor and Jackson raised a question regarding the immunity of a president who orders the assassination of a political opponent. This led to a wave of individuals on the left urging Biden to target President Trump. The individuals who previously labeled Trump as a danger to democracy are now advocating for his demise. This situation is truly concerning.

Harry Sisson, a prominent Gen-Z surrogate for Biden, went as far as to suggest that the president should eliminate both Trump and the Supreme Court. Writing on X: “According to the Supreme Court, Biden could now send in Seal Team 6 to take all of them out. He could send in the military to take out Trump. He has “immunity” for official acts now!”

National Justice correspondent Elie Mystal insinuated as much in a post on X – saying “Biden has the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever…”

Attorney Bradley P. Moss stated that the Supreme Court has granted President Biden absolute immunity to direct the military to take action against Trump. Moss also mentioned that Biden could instruct the military to carry out Bannon’s execution in prison showers tonight without fear of prosecution. Some individuals on the left have suggested that the true test of the Supreme Court ruling would be for Biden to eliminate Trump.

And BBC host David Aaronovitch wrote: “If I was Biden I’d hurry up and have Trump murdered on the basis that he is a threat to America’s security.

Mr. Aaronvitch has already removed his X account. Chief Justice Roberts rejected the concerns of the Diversity Hires on the bench, labeling them as extreme hypotheticals. He accused both of disregarding the separation of powers and court precedent, stating that they were fear mongering from the bench.