Fox News anchor Harris Faulkner seemed taken aback when a former Democratic state legislator asserted that Biden’s low polling numbers on the economy were a result of his failure to “brag” about his accomplishments.

In a recent Fox News survey, only 32% of respondents rated the economy as “excellent” or “good,” while Biden received a mere 41% approval rating for his economic policies. Former Democratic State Senator David Carlucci of New York argued that Biden should be more vocal about his economic achievements when Faulkner confronted him about the poll results.

“I want to pull up some more of the new Fox polling on the current state of the country, we’ll take a look at that, 68% say the condition of the economy is only fair or poor,” Faulkner told Carlucci. “Two-thirds of voters say they are dissatisfied with the way things are going. That’s been around 70% for a while now. How do you change that?”

“This is one of the reasons why you don’t hear ‘Bidenomics’ anymore, because even though the president has a record, he’s focused on people’s pocketbooks, and I think he’s done a good job,” Carlucci responded. “It is impossible to boast. People don’t want to hear you boasting, they want to hear you sympathizing and understanding the challenges that they have. The divide between the rich and poor is something that’s on everyone’s mind and that’s where Biden has to go.”

Carlucci’s unbelievable response FLOORED the Fox News host.

“So, I’m confused,” Faulkner responded. “He’s been president for more than three years now. He has to have met some Americans who are not in the upper echelons of this economy. I know he goes to expensive ice cream shops, but he does venture into other places, I would think. When he meets those Americans who are struggling, is he ignoring them or is he having a fantasy? What is going on?”
