It’s evident that Hunter Biden is unlikely to be considered for any “father of the year” awards, especially in light of a recent report from the UK’s Daily Mail. According to the outlet, Hunter withdrew his daughter’s college savings to support an extended period of excessive drug and escort spending. Furthermore, he has yet to fulfill his tax obligations on these funds, as exclusive documents obtained by the news site have shown.

“The First Son’s profligacy was cast in sharp relief in papers from an IRS whistleblower who investigated him for tax crimes, released by Congress last month,” the outlet’s report continued.

Based on his memoir, in late 2018, Hunter was deep into his struggle with addiction. During that period, he was engaging in risky behavior in Connecticut hotels, spending large sums of money on cocaine, and associating with escorts.

The outlet noted further:

His private bankers at Wells Fargo sent him an email on December 17, 2018 warning that he had just 44 cents left in his account, according to records obtained by from his abandoned laptop.

Hunter responded with a jumbled reply, ordering them to transfer $20,000 from his daughter Maisy’s educational savings account.

He told the wealth managers: ‘liquidate what you can’ and ‘Live [love] you both.’

Around the same time, Maisy, who is currently 22 years old, was in her last year of high school. She, along with her two older sisters, and Joe and Jill Biden, had tried to organize an intervention a few weeks prior at their Delaware residence to encourage their son to seek rehabilitation, as reported by the Daily Mail.