The job market in the United States is currently favoring foreign-born workers over native-born Americans, as indicated by recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The BLS reported that the number of foreign-born workers employed in the U.S. increased by 637,000 in the past year, reaching nearly 30.9 million, while the number of employed native-born Americans decreased by 299,000. Consequently, the total number of American-born workers with jobs remains lower than the count from July 2019.

President Joe Biden’s administration has seen a surge in illegal immigration, particularly due to relaxed enforcement at the southern border. In response to this issue, the president recently signed an executive order aimed at limiting the number of asylum seekers entering the country, in an effort to control the flow of immigrants.

Despite the growth in the foreign-born workforce under the Biden administration, which includes a significant portion of illegal immigrants, the overall economic growth numbers have improved. However, native-born workers have not reaped the benefits of this growth. If the administration’s efforts to curb illegal immigration are successful, it could potentially impact overall job gains in the future.

Since President Biden took office in January 2021, the foreign-born population in the U.S. has increased by 6.6 million, with an estimated 58% attributed to illegal immigration, according to the Center for Immigration Studies. While the BLS does not specify the immigration status of the workers it tracks, it does include estimates for foreign-born workers that encompass illegal immigrants as well.