Senior Democrats, including key members of President Joe Biden’s inner circle, are of the opinion that his campaign is adopting an ineffective approach in countering the probable Republican nominee and his previous opponent in the 2020 election, former President Donald Trump.

Up until now, Biden’s campaign seems to be primarily centered around emphasizing the significance of the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021, and conveying the message that Trump poses a “threat to democracy.” Additionally, they are highlighting Trump’s character based on his legal defeats in court, as per Axios’ report.

“Biden’s core inner circle hasn’t lost faith in that approach, the product of Biden and his longtime aide, Mike Donilon,” the outlet reported, adding: “But that puts them on an island within much of the party about what will decide the election, as polls consistently have shown Biden tied or behind even after a slight bump following Trump’s criminal conviction.”

Various surveys have revealed that voters are deeply worried about the condition of democracy, particularly focusing on inflation and the economy. The data also suggests a decrease in approval for President Biden within crucial Democratic voting demographics, such as African Americans, Latinos, young individuals, and union members. Nevertheless, the narrative regarding democracy appears to be resonating more with older voters, as per Axios.

A Democratic strategist connected to the campaign informed the publication: “Many of us observing from afar are uncertain whether the president and his inner circle comprehend the severity of the current situation, and if they have a strategy to address it. This is concerning.” Individuals in proximity to the president have shared apprehensions with Axios about voicing concerns during meetings due to the tendency of Biden’s close-knit group of longtime loyal aides to isolate dissenters and exclude them from decision-making processes.

“Even for those close to the center, there is a hesitance to raise skepticism or doubt about the current path, for fear of being viewed as disloyal,” another person in Biden’s orbit told the outlet but who spoke on condition of anonymity for just that reason. “There is not a discussion that a change of course is needed.”

Longtime Democratic strategist Howard Wolfson said in a statement to Axios: “If the election were today, we would lose. Can that change? Yes. Is it on the path to do so? I don’t see that yet. The stakes for the debate” on June 27 between Biden and Trump “are sky high,” he added.