Barbara McQuade, a legal analyst at MSNBC, recently emphasized the necessity for “common sense” limitations on the First Amendment to combat online “disinformation.” Her remarks highlight the perspective of many individuals on the extreme left regarding fundamental American Constitutional rights. In a conversation with Rachel Maddow, McQuade suggested that the current constraints on free speech may not be sufficient.

She referenced previous U.S. Supreme Court decisions that acknowledged limitations on speech intended to cause harm, such as the 1919 case Schenck v. United States. McQuade expressed concerns that the extensive protection of free speech in American society, while a crucial element, could also make individuals susceptible to misinformation in today’s social media-driven political environment.

McQuade told MSNBC she hoped to initiate a “national conversation about truth and our commitment to [free speech].”

McQuade concurred with Maddow’s inquiry regarding the susceptibility of Americans to deception in comparison to individuals from nations lacking First Amendment safeguards.