In a recent undercover operation conducted by investigative journalist James O’Keefe, a vigilant Disney executive has been exposed. The footage reveals a high-ranking vice president from the renowned Walt Disney Company acknowledging the unfortunate reality of discrimination against white men within the supposed happiest place on Earth.

“I have friends in HR and I have friends in other divisions. And they’re like, ‘Look, nobody else is going to tell you this, Mike, but they’re not considering any white males for the job,’” the executive said.

The white executive acknowledged that his career aspirations were restricted even within Disney.

“As far as Disney is concerned, I am a white male and that’s not who they’re looking to promote at the moment,” he said.

Disney also allegedly uses “code words and buzzwords that are used to explain what they’re looking for… so it’s not like a legally actionable thing.”

Watch the bombshell video below: