President Joe Biden has declined to participate in a Super Bowl interview, however, his administration is making an attempt to exploit it for propaganda purposes. In a recent social media post, released on Sunday, the president’s message is both cynical and exasperating as he shifts the blame for the escalating prices faced by Americans onto others, conveniently excluding himself.

Yet, amidst this blame game, there is one significant word missing that reveals the true intentions behind this maneuver.


According to Biden, the reason why Americans are not receiving the same value for their money as before is due to certain companies attempting to deceive them by gradually reducing the size of their products, hoping that they won’t detect it. This phenomenon has been labeled as “SHRINKFLATION” by Biden, a term that was presented in all capital letters in the White House subtitles.

“I’ve had enough of what they call ‘SHRINKFLATION,’” he said. “It’s a ripoff.”

Judging by the backlash, Americans aren’t very happy about the blatant gaslighting: