Scott Jennings, a senior political commentator at CNN, claimed that the Biden campaign’s statement about the president’s debate performance being an anomaly is the most significant falsehood of 2024. Biden’s team attributed his poor performance to a cold, insisting that he seemed alert and lively at subsequent events.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre stated on Tuesday that the White House has been open about Biden’s health and mental acuity. Jennings suggested that Biden’s debate appearance was a true reflection of his capabilities, prompting speculation about who is truly in charge of the country.

“Look, I think the Big Lie of 2024 is the idea that what happened on Thursday night to Joe Biden is an anomaly or an aberration. There is now credible reporting from Axios, Alex Thompson at Axios, that there has been a three year coverup to try to keep Joe Biden away from other people so folks wouldn’t see just how bad it is,” Jennings said.

According to Axios, President Biden’s staff has allegedly protected him from public view in order to conceal his mental condition. Both current and former White House aides have expressed concern about the president and have admitted that the recent debate is not the only instance of a “bad day.”

“I know many of these people and how the White House operates,” Chandler West, the former deputy director of photography for the White House, said. “They will say he has a ‘cold’ or just experienced a ‘bad night,’ but for weeks and months, in private, they have all said what we saw last night — Joe is not as strong as he was just a couple of years ago.”

Several White House aides were surprised by the events that unfolded during the debate, as they had limited interaction with the president during his initial term. A report by Axios highlighted this sentiment, with Jennings referencing a New York Times article in which aides voiced apprehension about Biden’s proximity to other global leaders.

“Last night, Joe Biden told donors to the Democratic Party that the reason he was bad on Thursday night was because of his foreign travel. A trip that ended twelve days before the debate,” Jennings said. “What we saw on Thursday night was Joe Biden at his best. Seven days of rest, prep with his top staff. That was Joe Biden at his best. I’ve honestly stopped worrying about the campaign and I have one question, who’s running the White House today, who’s making decisions today? I’m not really worried about the presidency in January, I’m worried about it right now.”

“We have serious problems going on right now, and I don’t really think Joe Biden is up to the task today, let alone seven months from today.” he continued.