Renowned actor Dennis Quaid, known for his role in “Reagan,” has expressed his most robust support for former President Donald Trump thus far, asserting that the nation requires a formidable leader like Trump to confront adversarial forces overseas. During an interview on Thursday with Joe Rogan, Quaid shared his evaluation of Trump’s initial term in office.

“The only thing that I liked about Trump was everything that he did,” Quaid said. “I would cringe at so much stuff that he said. But I think his heart was really in the right place, and not only that, we need a really strong leader like that to deal with these assholes that run the other world — there are some bad actors out there.”

“Yeah … yeah … yeah, unquestionably,” Rogan replied, before calling out the mainstream news media for stoking fear that Trump will be a dictator if he returns to office.

“And the wildest thing is that people pretending that if he gets into office, he’s going to become a dictator. As if he wasn’t in office for four years, and was never a dictator. We’re just being gaslit and lied to on a scale that I’ve never seen in my life.”
