On Wednesday, Republican presidential candidate and Marine veteran Senator JD Vance (R-OH) expressed strong criticism towards Vice President Kamala Harris regarding the mishandled U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan that occurred during her and President Joe Biden’s administration.

“To have those 13 Americans lose their lives and not fire a single person is disgraceful. Kamala Harris is so asleep at the wheel that she won’t even do an investigation into what happened but wants to yell at Donald Trump for showing up.

“She can go to hell!”


The remark was made following the Harris campaign’s condemnation of former President Donald Trump for his visit to Gold Star families who had suffered losses during the withdrawal, which was marred by a suicide bombing that targeted American forces involved in the expedited operation. After Trump engaged with the families at Arlington Cemetery, reports from corporate media indicated a confrontation between a cemetery staff member and Trump campaign aides regarding the taking of photographs and filming during the ceremony. In response, the Harris campaign described the situation as “quite unfortunate” and expressed disapproval of the former president’s actions.

The families of the deceased, who are being commemorated by Trump, issued a statement indicating that they had granted permission for Trump’s official videographer and photographer to document the occasion.