Seth Berenzweig, a white-collar defense attorney, mentioned to CNN that Hunter Biden’s only chance for a favorable outcome in his trial is to evoke sympathy from the jury. The trial began last week in Delaware, with the president’s son facing three federal gun charges filed by special counsel David Weiss in September. These charges include providing false statements and knowingly possessing a firearm while being addicted to drugs. Despite the defense’s strong performance, Berenzweig emphasized that due to the “overwhelming” evidence, an emotional appeal will be necessary for Biden’s acquittal.

“I didn’t think that they really had a lot of evidence to affirmatively put on. His daughter provided some very emotional testimony,” Berenzweig said. “She was subject to a pretty aggressive direct examination. I think that the defense overall has done a good job in so far as they have tried to keep the car right in the middle of the road and they’ve been very, very specific, but even if that evidence, and … I think the evidence is pretty overwhelming. Even if that evidence gets them to, say, the one yard line, the only way that … the defense counsel’s going to get the ball into the goal line is if they pull at the heartstrings of the jury.”

“This has to be a very emotionally pulling closing. They have to humanize and sympathize Hunter Biden, and that‘s going to be, I predict, a really big part of the closing argument of the defense in this,” he added.

“They do have a mountain of evidence,” former federal prosecutor Alyse Adamson said on the Monday CNN panel. “They have, I believe they they put on a forensic chemist to testify that there was some residue found on the gun pouch to prove that there was some contemporaneous drug use with the possession of the weapon. We have Hunter Biden’s own words taken from his memoir, which I believe was very strong for the jury.”