Comedian Bill Maher criticized President Joe Biden’s debate performance as “confused and halting” during his show “Real Time with Bill Maher.”

Democrats were alarmed on Thursday following Biden’s debate performance, which received widespread criticism from many Americans, including the mainstream media. Maher specifically pointed out Biden’s difficulties during the debate against potential 2024 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

“Wow. Huh? Huh? Did you see the debate? In case you missed it, don’t worry. So did one of the contestants,” Maher said as his audience laughed.

“I mean, wow. I mean, Trump told lie after lie after lie. He would never have gotten away with that if Joe Biden was there,” Maher continued, eliciting the sound of more laughter and applause. “Oh wow. Oh, Joe. Joe. Come on, man. Joe.”

“You know, Joe, he famously loves trains, but apparently not of thought,” the comedian joked. “I mean … he’s just all night confused and halting and trailing off. I’ve seen beauty pageant contestants answer questions better.”

“I mean, I don’t want to say he shit the bed, but his new Secret Service name is ‘Amber Heard.’ I’m telling you. This guy was bad,” Maher said.
