Jonathan Turley, a law professor at George Washington University, expressed his astonishment at the rapid unraveling of Hunter Biden’s defenses in his gun trial. The trial commenced on Monday, with Biden facing three federal gun charges filed by Special Counsel David Weiss in September. These charges include providing false statements and knowingly possessing a firearm while being addicted to drugs.

Turley emphasized on “America’s Newsroom” that the prosecution effectively refuted the arguments put forth by Biden’s attorney, Abbe Lowell. One of these arguments questioned the authenticity of Biden’s laptop, a crucial piece of evidence in the trial. Another argument aimed to dispute the claim that Biden was not under the influence of drugs when he completed the paperwork for purchasing the gun.

“The prosecution is doing an amazingly good job in my view,” Turley said. “This is a very disciplined case. What’s really astonishing is how fast all of the defenses put forward by Abbe Lowell collapsed within 48 hours. There was a long argument that the laptop was tampered with. They put on an agent saying there’s no tampering here. This is real and authentic. They said that Hunter Biden wasn’t doing drugs when he signed that. They have a text of him the next day trying to score drugs from a guy named Mookie, and a day after that, doing drugs on the hood of a car, according to a text.”
