Former President Donald Trump greeted migrants in Mexico with a wave. While visiting the border, Trump stood behind a fence on the U.S. side of the Rio Grande, alongside Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R).
Shortly after, cries of “Trump” echoed from the other side of the river. Trump proceeded to wave and exchange fist bumps with individuals gathered on the bank of the Rio Grande, believed to be migrants.
“They like Trump, can you believe it?” Trump said.
President Trump waves to Mexicans standing across the border:
"They like Trump, can you believe it!'
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) February 29, 2024
“They like Trump, can you believe it!” Donald Trump waves and fist bumps at migrants, through barbed wire, on the Southern border. These are people he calls rapists and murderers.
— Mike Sington (@MikeSington) March 1, 2024